About Gabriel

The man. The myth. The legend.

Gabriel Hesch is the host and cofounder of the Breaking Math Podcast. He is an electrical engineer and a former science and math teacher. In 2016, he founded the Breaking Math Podcast when he was an engineering graduate student. He was looking for an outlet to discuss my passion for mathematics with a willing audience and creating a podcast seemed to be the optimal way to do that. He discovered that with a podcast and social media presence, he has been able to combine creativity (art, music, story telling) to ‘tell a story’ of how mathematics and science helped shape our understanding of the universe in a way that is accessible to many even those without a mathematical background. Some of the topics that he has enjoyed discussing on the podcast include pure mathematics, the creation of symbols and the evolution of languages, Shannon’s information theory, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and it’s implications, thermodynamics and entropy, Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, algorithms, probability and statistics, machine learning, and much more.

Where can you find Gabriel?

Usually you can follow him on his personal Twitter at @techpodgabe, but there’s a 98% chance that he’s the one responding on the Breaking Math handles. You can also contact him at breakingmathpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com.