Terms of Service
Podcast Guest Participant Agreement Terms

1. Introduction: This agreement is between Breaking Math Podcast ("Podcast") and the guest or the company ("Guest" or "Company") representing the guest who appears on the podcast. By agreeing to participate in the podcast, the Guest or Company agrees to the following terms and conditions.

2. Participation: The Guest agrees to participate in an interview or discussion on the Podcast on the agreed date and time. The Podcast reserves the right to determine the structure and content of the episode. The Podcast does not guarantee that the recorded episode will be aired unless there is a written contract.

3. Recording and Distribution Rights: The Podcast retains full rights to the audio, video, and any related content created during the recording. This includes the right to edit, distribute, and promote the episode across all platforms without limitation. The Guest grants the Podcast a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and distribute the content.

4. Promotional Content and Advertising Fee: If the Guest or Company wishes to promote a product, service, or brand during the podcast, an advertisement fee will be applicable. The fee structure will be provided by the Podcast and must be agreed upon before recording. Any promotional content must be pre-approved by the Podcast, Host, Media Company, Editors, and TV Station. If any discrepancies on whether or not material is promotes a product, service, or brand, episode may be stalled until clarification or cancelled.

5. Guest Responsibilities:

The Guest agrees to:

- Arrive promptly for the recording.

- Provide accurate information and be respectful during the interview.

- Notify the Podcast in advance if any scheduling changes are required.

6. Rescheduling and Cancellations: Either party may reschedule the recording. Failure of Guest or Company to provide 7 days notice may result in forfeiting the right to reschedule or, if applicable, retaining any prepaid fees.

7. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: Both parties agree not to disclose any confidential or proprietary information discussed during the recording that is not meant for public distribution.

8. Indemnification: The Guest or Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Podcast, its hosts, and affiliates against any claims, losses, or damages resulting from statements made during the podcast or any actions related to their participation.

9. Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws of New Mexico. Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved in New Mexico.

10. Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior discussions or agreements.

By participating in the Podcast, the Guest or Company acknowledges and agrees to these terms.